Methodology for Information 的见解 and Cloud Analytics

Your stakeholders and data hold the keys to advancing your organization’s mission, identifying opportunities for innovation, and implementing iterative improvements. Our Methodology for Information 的见解 and Cloud Analytics process is a comprehensive framework for evaluating existing data systems and business processes. Grounded in sound data science principles, it’s an approach that meets short term objectives and sets the stage for long-term flexibility and efficiency.

以最小的干扰, our process uncovers what you need to know now and builds a solid foundation for the future by enabling better performance by those who need to access, 分析, 从数据中辨别意义.

用我们的方法, ICF’s data specialists conduct needs assessments, 业务流程再造, 需求开发, and foundation planning for data analytics. Based on an open source framework for mature information management, it’s a proven implementation methodology that addresses a range of core competencies, 包括数据分析, 企业数据管理, 商业智能, 数据可视化, 数据治理.


Visualization is the quick hit way to find value in data. 几周后, and with minimal disruption to your operations, rapid prototyping can draw from multiple sources to prove the power of your data. You’ll get answers to the questions you knew about and insights about others you hadn’t considered.

Growing volumes of data already make it difficult to find valuable signals in the noise, and data production climbs higher every day. 内部和外部系统, 传感器, 社交媒体, and mobile devices are creating new data 24x7, and all of which could be leveraged to better serve customers and enhance internal operations.

ICF’s team members are experts at identifying and extracting the value in client’s data. And, we know how to 可视化 that value so that it’s intuitive, actionable, and easily shared. When you’re ready to begin your advanced 数据可视化 journey, 我们的团队推荐低成本, high-return 快速价值可视化 approach, 它可以:

  • Ground solutions in the specifics of your unique situation.
  • Use location analytics to answer questions of where.
  • Derive meaningful insights from your data.
  • Look at problems through different lenses to offer creative solutions.
  • Incorporate user experience design into every step of the process.

Overwhelming quantities of data can make it hard to know where to start. 快速价值可视化 offers a quick, accurate approach to start building a better relationship with your data.

Flexible Analytics Platform for Predictive Analytics

Today’s successful organizations work hard to improve their ability to ingest, 分析, 可视化, and act upon increasingly complex and dispersed data streams. ICF has worked with multiple public and private sector clients to create a Flexible Analytics Platform for Predictive Analytics that streamlines and modernizes an organization’s processes and procedures.

通过这次合作, we have learned that timely and effective analyses are most easily achieved by designing and building on a technical infrastructure that supports flexibility, 速度, 方便使用.


  • Reduced data collection, analysis, and reporting burden.
  • Actionable intelligence needed by staff to more efficiently evaluate data associated with site inspection and investigation tracking activities.
  • Sustainable and effective execution of the current mission and the ability to address changing analytical needs as they evolve.
  • Continuous integration and delivery, quality, and security throughout the platform.